For those people who work the standard schedule 5 days a week, Sunday evenings sometimes bring a depressive mood. One mention of that? that tomorrow morning you have to get up again for work makes people plunge into microdepression. If in the summer it is easier to cope with this situation – because the sun is shining and warm since early morning? then the rest of the year, it is much more difficult to force yourself to get up early. Two weekends fly by so fast that few people have time to fully relax / It is for such people that we have collected the advice of psychologists who will help you recharge your batteries for the whole week over the weekend.
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Don’t get much sleep
Many people make the big mistake of sleeping too long on weekends. It would seem that sleep should help a person to relax and feel better, but this is not so. Prolongation of sleep leads to the fact that its quality deteriorates because sleep requires a certain time period (primarily at night). Waking up late also leads to social jet lag – when it is very difficult to fall asleep at the night from Sunday to Monday. It turns out that a person seems to have slept off on the weekend, but in the end, he goes to bed late on Sunday and gets up tired on Monday morning. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to build a regimen.
But at the same time, you need to get enough sleep. If you save time through sleep, the production of the hormone melatonin is disrupted in the body, and this threatens premature aging, reduced efficiency, mental activity, and, most importantly, immunity, which is especially dangerous in the era of covid.
Need to spend more time outside
Surprising but true. One of the rules of quality sleep is physical activity and staying in places lit by the sun. Exposure to sunlight triggers the production of daytime hormones that set our body clock. Even when it’s cloudy outside, it’s worth going out for a short walk. But being in a room where there is not enough light and air will disrupt the quality of sleep and rest.
The air in the city cannot be called fresh, but, compared to the air in the apartment, it is many times more useful. Walking in nature helps to relax our eyesight, blurred by the blue screens of gadgets. It is important to be more in the fresh air, because in the room the amount of oxygen entering the brain is much less, which is why fatigue only intensifies.
Listen to your body
If there is no energy for active rest, it is better to postpone it until recovery. In this case, it is best to arrange a passive rest for yourself. Do nothing, lie in bed, order ready meals, and postpone cleaning. And in no case do not scold yourself for laziness, because your main task for the weekend is to restore the body’s resources for the new working week.
Keep a routine on weekdays
If you follow the correct day regimen on weekends and go to bed on time, and on weekdays you work until late at night, then the body will definitely feel bad. Every good habit needs consistency. That is why it is important to build a harmonious daily routine that you can observe all 7 days a week, and not just on weekends. Go to bed no later than 12 at night, then the body will fully rest, and in the morning you will have more strength. Try to also eat at about the same time so that the body does not experience stress. Try to listen to your body – it often makes it clear what is best for it.
Do not load the brain on the weekend
Sometimes the best thing to do is to have a good rest and do nothing. Many of us feel guilty when we allow ourselves to be lazy and just lie in bed. But in order to become more effective, it is important to stop and take a break in time. Moreover, at this time, in addition to recovery, we give the brain the opportunity to process a huge amount of information. When a person does nothing, the memory is organized, and we subconsciously prioritize tasks and goals. In the brain, at this time there is an active work on the analysis, systematization of information, and comparison of previous experience with the current situation. It seems that you are not doing anything, but the brain is working. It is in this mode that brilliant ideas and spontaneous decisions come. That is why it is important to rest in order to get a surge of energy, vivacity, and a good mood.
No need to think about Monday
Many people often wake up on Sunday mornings in a bad mood because of what they need to do next week. And no matter how much we love our work, we still get upset at the thought that the weekend is over. It is important to detect these automatic thoughts in time and do a little exercise: pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations in the “here and now” moment. Stop, take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. Try to shift your focus to what you would like to do on Sunday and how to have a good day.
Choose an active holiday
How well we rested on the weekend often does not depend on how much time we spent at home, but on how many emotions and impressions, we received. Some people choose to go to the gym, others like to watch TV or place bets on 22Bet or play casino. If activity gives you good emotions – your brain will get enough relaxation while doing this. Modern psychology and neuroscience prove from time to time that the more you invest in your leisure, the more you get from it. If you really need to energize, the best thing to do is to have an active hobby that absorbs all your attention. When a person is immersed in what really captures him, he takes a break from business, and all thoughts about work and problems fade into the background. We get impressions and that’s what recharges us and lowers our overall level of exhaustion.